Saturday, November 24, 2012


When we arrived in Sydney, we were told to take the underground train to Circular Quay which cost us AUD$15..  We then took a taxi, another AUD$20 to our hotel which was IBIS in Darling Harbor.  The hotel was in the perfect spot, centrally located so we could easily walk to the mall and do shopping or even eat at McDonald's, which we did several times. The picture above is a view from our hotel room. 
For my birthday we celebrated at the Sydney Tower restaurant which is a skyneedle at the top of the tower building.  The restaurant revolves around the entire city...  Look at the picture below and above to see our view.

  Then it was off to the Sydney Opera House.  Pictures below

               The picture above is the Sydney Bridge across from the Sydney Opera House. 

The next day we were touring the Blue Mountains.  The tour was the entire day but the weather was terrible.  It rained most of the day and we had fog so dense we could not see a foot in front of us on the tour bus.  We did, however, go to the Featherdale Wildlife Park and the pictures below speak for themselves, too cute..........

These were some of the shots taken on Blue Mountain, a terribly foggy day so the pictures did not come out well.

The picture above is "three Sisters" which you can hardly see the first one. 
We also saw some aborigines and they gave us their history and a dance.  Pictures below of

 We enjoyed Sydney, next stop Melbourne..........


  1. More great pics! Certainly makes you want to visit Australia.

  2. looks breath taking... It is chilly back here in sunny florida. Hope ya all enjoy the last couple days. Peewee, Jan will be picking you up at airport in your car, that way you can go straight home and bed. her car will be parked at your house. Call me when you land..I'll be asleep but it is ups so i will be back awake. I will be in World golf village all week but driving back and forth to work.. Enjoy. You should have jans # Call me stateside. xoxo to both. ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY ALL HERE IS FINE
