Monday, November 5, 2012

Our trip thus far............

There has been a great deal of trouble trying to publish a second posting on the blog.  For some reason, it was erased after saving the 1st day of our trip.  I'm sorry but the Internet connection in this bed and breakfast is very weak.  Last night I posted several pictures of our flight here and our first day in Cairns.  I'm very disappointed so can only apologize for the disruption. It's amazing, the blog just started and I'm already giving a disclaimer... lol

So to summarize our flight:

Liz and I met up at Air New Zealand.  We had about 4 hours before our flight and they did not open until 2pm ?? 

We were not first in line but close..... Guess what?  We were at the wrong terminal..  According to the tickets, United was their sister flight and we were supposed to be at terminal 7.  So we jumped on a bus from Terminal 2 and headed around the entire airport.  We boarded the airplane and arrived in San Francisco about 1 hour after take off!  Our flight to Auckland, New Zealand was delayed for about 45 minutes.  The flight was 12 hours and was very long but they provided two meals (dinner and breakfast) along with a television monitor so we could watch movies or regular TV programs. 
When we arrived in Auckland, we still had a five hour flight into Cairns. 

Awaiting our flight to Auckland, New Zealand.

Once we arrived in Cairns, we took a taxi to Galvins Bed and Breakfast.  Pictures below show you their home, the pool and our two bedroom apartment. 

   When we first arrived, Julie and Jesse Low greeted us but since our room was not quite ready, offered to drive us to the Botanical Gardens.  We had lunch there and walked back to the B&B. 

   After getting settled, Jesse offered to drive us into Esplanade.  There were several souvenir shops, restaurants, music, and bars along the waterfront.  We picked a restaurant called "Barnacle Bills" thinking it would be as the ones in the states.  The food was good, we chose to try some crocodile and kangaroo kabobs.  Picture below

Having a bit of trouble posting the blog.  We are in the learning stages of this blog but I think we understand how to do it now.  But, just in case we are sending a disclaimer............  thank you and good night..!!!

Diann and Liz


  1. Wow... I am hunry now.. Crock and Kang.. Why not Carpaccio.. LOL looks wonderful. Have fun.. Keep us posted. Zues is fine, hasn't eaten any humans YET. Peewee's pool is fine. I cleaned all filters and added chemicals yesterday. See ya soon.. I'll be over before you know it BOOOO! ! ! Keep the photos coming

  2. Your first day sounds both exhausting and exhilarating! And your temporary digs look very inviting. AMAZING; and this is only the beginning.

  3. Doing a great job! Thanks for taking all of us along for the visual n tour ! Fantastic!

  4. I would not even do the snake thing. What happened to eating and drinking. LOL All is well here. Time is flying by. UPS is on me so busy busy. Zues is still alive and still hasn't eating any humans... well maybe a bite of debbie and half of their clothes. Debbie cooking dinner for Keith and I tonight so will see you soon

    XOXO to both. Luv Walter
