Friday, November 16, 2012

Ayers Rock........13 November

We arrived in Ayers Rock around 9:30am.  When we got to the campground, we were told that the air conditioning was broken in our cabin so they were upgrading us to a hotel room.  After we got our key, we walked to the room.  Our room was very tiny, two single beds and NO BATHROOM!  Liz said "This is an upgrade?"  We walked back to registration and told them we were not happy with the room.  This was not an upgrade, in fact, it was less than we paid for...  So, they offered to give us a room with a bathroom if we paid an extra $50...  It seems like $50 is the amount you have to pay if you want to get what you asked for in the first place. 
This room had two bunk beds and a refrigerator along with a separate shower and a bathroom.  Much better but it was a long walk to reception. 

There was a shuttle that did a big loop in the area and we rode it to do the camel ride.  that was fun.  we went to the post office and mailed a box of souveniors home to save room in our luggage.  dianns cost $64.00 to mail mine was $85.00.  nothing here is cheap.  we wanted to do the sunset dinner at the rock but it was booked solid.  so we signed up for the morning sunrise tour which meant getting up at 4am.  yuck.  but we did it and had a great time.  after the tour we had to catch our flight out.  here is a few pics of our stay.

so G'Day for now. 


  1. Love the camal. What was its name. Have fun Ann

  2. I dont know if you are getting these notes from me, but I hope so and hope you are having as much fun as it seems. Love you momma and you better be safe!! Everyone says hey!! We do business we Pratt and Whitney-Christchurch-no wonder they seem so happy over the phone, they live in a most gorgeous place.

    your son
