Saturday, November 24, 2012

During our time in Melbourne we toured Capt James Cooks Cottage. We also toured the Jail. Which was really fun. Here are a couple of pics of the cottage and jail.

we also did the great ocean road tour where we got to see bells beach.  we met a lady named stella that was traveling by herself.  we did the helicopter ride over the 12 apostles.  that was really cool.  here is a pic of us in front of the helicopter.

i did the penguin parade and it was ok but they did not allow pictures to be taken of the penguins.  my bus driver tho helped us find one as we were leaving.  the picture is kind of dark.  but it is all that i have.
gotta go before our internet runs out till next time.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday; and what a way to celebrate! The view from the hotel in Sydney was amazing as are all of the pictures you've shared. Melbourne looks like it was tons of fun and i can only imagine how things looked from the air/helicopter. One of my favorite photos is your joy ride on the camel. I love that we get to share all this with you real time (almost) Til next time :-)
